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Deep Water Well

The Messenger of Allah (saw) was asked, “Which charity is best?” He replied, “[Providing] water.”’ [Abu Dawud]
Described by the UN as ‘The worst man-made humanitarian crisis of our time’, the war in Yemen has turned a poor country into a humanitarian catastrophe.
Already one of the most water-scarce countries in the world, the destruction of so much of the country’s infrastructure has left a massive over 18 million people without access to safe water and sanitation.
R5,800 - will provide 1 share in rehabilitating a deep water well or major water infrastructure, providing communities with clean, safe water and sanitation.
R11,600 - will provide 2 shares in rehabilitating a deep water well or major water infrastructure, providing communities with clean, safe water and sanitation.
Give now to save lives in Yemen.
Note: The average price of each water well is R570,600, rising to R2,738,500 for the largest wells. Rehabilitating a deep water well includes installing a solar-powered system to ensure round-the-clock water. Rehabilitating major water infrastructure includes installing an electric network, new piping and solar-powered pumps to increase water supply.