
You donate, we deliver

The Prophet (saw) said, ′Whoever feeds a person breaking his fast will earn the same reward as him, without anything being lessened from the reward of the fasting person’. [Tirmidhi]

There are many people this Ramadan who will go hungry well beyond iftar time. By giving to the Iftar Fund, you are ensuring that those most in need will enjoy a nutritious meal after a hard day of fasting.

Share the blessings this Ramadan by providing iftar to families across the globe. We are distributing Hot-cooked iftar meals & Ramadan Family Food Parcels in 13 locations, including Gaza, Yemen, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and many other locations. 

  1. Hot-cooked Iftar Meals are served in Gaza and the Blessed Masjid Al-Aqsa.
  2. Family Ramadan Food Parcels are distributed in all locations. 

All Food Parcels contain essentials such as dates, oil, flour and sugar, as well as staple foods according to each location’s specific diet. These food packs will include enough to provide iftar and sahur to a family for the entire blessed month! 

May Allah (swt) accept your fast and reward you abundantly. Ameen.