Food 4 Kids
Help feed a child today
What is Food 4 Kids?
We take great pride in caring for and nurturing our children, ensuring they receive nutritious meals to sustain them throughout the day. For many of us, mealtimes are moments to look forward to, bringing the whole family together.
However, for tens of millions of children around the world, life is not so simple. Without access to nutritious food, a child dies every ten seconds from hunger-related diseases.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. With simple interventions, such as providing healthy meals, nutritional supplements, and treatment for infections, countless lives can be saved.
Through our Food 4 Kids program, we provide children worldwide with balanced meals, essential vitamin supplements, and medical check-ups and treatment.
Raising awareness is also a key component of the program. To achieve this, we train teachers and healthcare workers to recognize and treat malnutrition.
Currently, we are serving over 1,800 meals a day, but there is still much more to be done. With your generous support, we can reach even more children, offering them the care they need to stay healthy and survive.
Key Facts
How hunger affects children

The Dangers of Malnutrition
At Muslim Hands, we understand that the long-term impact of hunger runs deep and can cripple entire communities. Chronic malnutrition leads to poor health and higher school dropout rates, which in turn perpetuate poverty, creating a cycle that spans generations.
Muslim Hands Paediatric Consultant Dr. D Emmanuel writes in a recent article:
"Improving nutrition enhances a child's ability to focus and excel in class, ultimately improving the future prospects of an entire family."
"If a family has strong, healthy individuals who can work, you have rehabilitated an entire community. In this way, the cycle of poverty and poor health is broken.
With at least 20 million children worldwide suffering from acute malnutrition, providing young people with access to nutritious food and basic healthcare is essential.
Every child deserves the right to attend school, spend time with their family, and play with their friends, free from the constant fear of hunger.

Established in 1996, Muslim Hands SA NPC is an aid agency and NGO aiming to help those affected by natural disasters, conflict and poverty. It is a branch of Muslim Hands UK established in 1993 in Nottingham.