Karamat Tour 2016
August 2016.
In aid of the Syrian Crisis.
Grab this unique opportunity to take part in this wonderful experience.
A total of 6 Karamat have been selected to be part of a spiritually uplifting and rewarding tour.
The following Karamat have been selected:
• Hazrat Moulana Abdul Latief Siddiqi RA
• Sheikh Yusuf
• Sayed Tuan Guru
• Sheikh Mohamed Hassen Ghaibie Shah
• Sheikh Abdurahman Matebe Shah
• Sayed Mahmud
The tour (which includes lunch) begins at 7.30am on Sunday 14th August 2016. Take a look at the full itinerary at the bottom of this page.
Help our Syrian brothers & sisters
Since the outbreak of the conflict in 2011, the situation in Syria has steadily deteriorated.
• 7.6 million people have been internally displaced. (This is more than the population of Hong Kong)
• 3.2 million people have fled Syria as refugees. (Over 1.7 million of these refugees are children)
• 12.2 million people are in dire need of assistance, making this the BIGGEST humanitarian crisis of our time.
Muslim Hands have been working in Syria since 2012 and are working tirelessly to help our brothers and sisters in need.
Please join us on this spiritual journey and help us help them.
Follow us on Social Media using #KaramatTour
Tour itinerary

Established in 1996, Muslim Hands SA NPC is an aid agency and NGO aiming to help those affected by natural disasters, conflict and poverty. It is a branch of Muslim Hands UK established in 1993 in Nottingham.