
News and Updates
Thursday, 04 June 2020

Your Ramadan donations in action

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Your Ramadan donations around the world

Muslim Hands Afghanistan distributed food parcels to poor people in the capital of Afghanistan West Kabul province. These families are severely affected by the Covid-19 lockdown process in this region.
Muslim Hands Lahore (Pakistan) team in a remote area of District Mianwali.
With Financial Assistance of Doctors World Wide (DWW), Muslim Hands staff & volunteers distributed 100 Ramadan Food Packs in two locations (one for male and another for females) among labourers, widows and daily workers.
Ramadan Food distribution among 183 students. The food parcels were distributed among orphan students of the Muslim Hands School of Excellence Bhalwal and Wazirabad Educational Complex.
Food packs distributed among the most vulnerable communities in Badin Sindh.

Muslim Hands ZA

Established in 1996, Muslim Hands SA NPC is an aid agency and NGO aiming to help those affected by natural disasters, conflict and poverty. It is a branch of Muslim Hands UK established in 1993 in Nottingham.