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Friday, 04 April 2025

10 Tips for Keeping Ramadan Habits Alive

Muslim Hands

The blessed month of Ramadan has passed very quickly, and it is with melancholy that we think back to its last days, synonymous with calm, serenity and blessings.

If you already miss this unique feeling of closeness to Allah (swt), you can follow these ten tips to keep this bond you have built during the blessed month and leave on a good footing after Ramadan.

  1. Fasting the 6 days of Shawwal

The Prophet (saw) said: "Whoever fasts Ramadan and then follows it with six days of Shawwal will be as if he had fasted all year". [Muslim]

This fast will allow you to continue to live the spirit of Ramadan and will do your body good after breaking a full month of fasting!

  1. Fast on Mondays and Thursdays

The Prophet (saw) used to fast on Mondays and Thursdays. It is therefore a Sunna to practice this fast whose benefits have been scientifically proven in our time (the 5:2 diet!). It is also a great way to get closer to Allah (swt).

Indeed, the Prophet (saw) said: “Allah, Exalted is He, declared “Fasting is for Me and it is Me who rewards him, he (the fasting person) leaves his desire, his food and his drink for me. Fasting is protection and there are two joys for the fasting person: one when he breaks his fast and one when he meets his Lord. And certainly the smell of the mouth of the fasting person is more fragrant with Allah than the smell of musk”. [Bukhari]

  1. Fasting the 3 days in the middle of the month

According to an American study by a team of researchers from the University of Southern California, fasting for 3 consecutive days completely renews the immune system (study reported by the English-language daily National Post ).

Subhan Allah! According to Jarir Ibn 'Abdillah (ra), the Prophet (saw) said: "the fast of three days each month is like the continuous fast and the white days are the mornings of the 13th , 14th and 15th day”.

  1. Pray fajr on time

Even though it is not always easy to wake up for morning prayer, it is very important to do so!

According to Aisha (ra), the Prophet (saw) said: “The two units of fajr prayer are better than life here and what is there”. [Muslim]

We are all capable of this, and can take advantage of the pace we have taken during Ramadan to do two or more units of prayer before the adhan and do not forget the chaf' and the witr!

Indeed, according to Abu Houreira (ra), the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "The best fasting after Ramadan is the month of Allah Muharam and the best prayer after the obligatory prayer is the night prayer". [Muslim]

  1. Pray the doha prayer

Aisha (ra) reports that the Prophet (saw) used to pray 4 units of prayer for the doha and sometimes more. [Muslim]

This prayer, which can be made after sunrise between the time when the sun is high in the sky and just before the zenith, is very appreciated by Allah (swt) and will allow you to start your day well.

According to Abu Dhar (ra), the Prophet (saw) said: “Each of you must imperatively give alms for each of your joints. Every tasbih (sobhan Allah) is alms, every tahmid (alhamdulillah) is alms, every tahlil (la illaha illa Allah) is alms, every takbir (Allahu akbar) is alms, advising good is alms, advising against evil is alms and it is enough to (acquit) all this of two units of prayer which are accomplished at the time of the doha”. [Muslim]

  1. Praying Nawafels

Prayer is the second pillar of Islam, it is a privileged moment where we can communicate with Allah, tell him everything we have on our hearts and ask him everything we would like to have. So let us make sure to pray our obligatory prayers on time and make optional prayers when we can.

However, do not put pressure on yourself by setting your goals too high, you could end up abandoning prayer if the pace is too fast! The important thing is to listen to you and choose the times that suit your schedule. You can start by praying two units of prayer before each obligatory prayer and, when you have the time and inclination, pray more.

According to Umm Habiba (ra), the Prophet (saw) said: "There is no Muslim who prays for Allah every day twelve units of prayer apart from the obligatory prayers without Allah building him a house in the paradise”. [Muslim]

  1. Stay close to the Quran

 Ramadan, the month of the Koran par excellence, is a month in which we particularly thank Allah for having sent us his sacred book and multiply its reading.

 Allah (swt) says: "The month of Ramadan (it is the month) in which the Quran was sent, guide for humanity: (it is a) clear proof of good direction and discernment (between the good and evil) […] ". [Quran, 2:185]

 This Ramadan, many of us have dedicated time to reading or listening to the Quran, a very rewarding action during the blessed month. To stay close to Allah (swt) and continue to experience the blessings of Ramadan, dedicate even 10 to 15 minutes of your time per day to reading the Quran (for example before sleeping or after one of the five obligatory prayers). Know that if reading it is difficult for you but you still make the effort, your rewards are doubled!

 According to Aisha (ra), the Prophet (saw) said: "He who recites the Quran perfectly is with the generous angels and he who reads it with difficulty has double the rewards". [Bukhari]

  1. Multiply good deeds

 There will be times when you will not achieve your Salat, fasting or Quran goals; but don't be hard on yourself! Remember that we are only judged on our intentions and our efforts and that the important thing is to continue to do good, even when we feel a slight drop in motivation: a smile, a glass of water, a meal made with love, there are many ways to please and multiply good deeds in our daily lives!

 The Prophet (saw) said: "Do not underestimate any good deed, if only to welcome your brother with a smiling face". [Muslim]

  1. Donate regularly

 The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Alms extinguishes sins like water extinguishes fire”. [Ibn Majah]

 The Prophet (saw) was even more generous during the month of Ramadan than during the other months of the year when he gave continuously, and many of us followed his Sunnah by increasing our Sadaqas during the blessed month. But let's not forget that the acts most appreciated by Allah (swt) are the most regular, even if they are small! [Muslim]

 Why not set up a regular donation for a cause close to your heart? 5 or 10 € per month is sometimes enough to change the life of a person, and little by little of a community, so don't underestimate any amount you could give throughout the year!

  1. Start a book

 Taken by our busy daily newspapers, we no longer find the time to read. TV, smartphones, tablets, we live in a world where we are constantly exposed to a multitude of information. Taking the time to read a book is a great way to take a break to reconnect with yourself and your instincts. For example, you can choose a beautiful book on the life of the prophet (saw) to continue to learn more about our beautiful religion and continue to feel the blessings of Ramadan!

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Muslim Hands ZA

Established in 1996, Muslim Hands SA NPC is an aid agency and NGO aiming to help those affected by natural disasters, conflict and poverty. It is a branch of Muslim Hands UK established in 1993 in Nottingham.