Welcome to Sha’ban - the final month before Ramadan.

When is Sha’ban?
This year, the month of Sha’ban, the 8th month in the Islamic calendar, will begin on the 14th of March 2021 and end on the 12th of April 2021.
Sha'ban often gets overshadowed but the months of Rajab before it, and the month of Ramadan which follows on from it, but Sha'ban is actually one of the most virtuous months of the whole year. It is during this month that Allah (swt) assesses our deeds, both good and bad, and decides who He will forgive and who's Duas He will grant.
Important events also took place during Sha’ban and we have explained some of them below.
What is the significance of Sha’ban?
- Changing of the Qiblah
It was during Shah'ban that Allah (swt) ordered Prophet Muhammed (saw) to change the Qiblah from Al-Aqsa Mosque to the Holy Kabbah in Mecca.
Al-Aqsa Mosque had been the Qiblah for 13 years but while the Prophet (saw) was living in Madinah, the following ayah was revealed:
‘We have certainly seen the turning of your face, [O Prophet (saw)], toward the heaven, and We will surely turn you to a Qiblah with which you will be pleased. So turn your face toward al-Masjid al-Haram…’ (Qur’an, 2:144)
2. The actions of the people are presented to the Almighty
Aisha (RA) said that:
“I never saw the Messenger of Allah fast for a complete month except for Ramadan, and I never saw him do more fasting in any month than he did in Sha`ban” (Al-Bukhari).
In another Hadith it is written the last Prophet (saw) said: “People neglect this month which is between Rajab and Ramadan, in this month the actions of the people are presented to Allah; so I like my deeds to be presented while I am fasting”. (Abu Dawood)
Both of these hadiths highlight the importance of maximizing our good deeds during the month of Sha’ban. By simply reciting more Qur’an, performing voluntary prayers, and following the Sunnah practices of the Prophet by fasting, you too can strengthen your taqwa (consciousness of Allah) and establish good habits that you continue into Ramadan.
3. The month of the Prophet (saw)

Sha’ban is the ideal time to start trying to be closer to the Prophet (saw) by following his Sunnah in word and deed so that it becomes part of your everyday life.
By doing so, we will better understand and appreciate the high status to which Allah (SWT) has raised Him for He is the best of mankind.
Abu Hurayrah said:
“The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, ′ I will be the leader of mankind of the Day of Resurrection, the first whose grave will be opened, the first to intercede and the first to be asked to intercede.’” [Narrated by Muslim, 2278]
One of the ways we can follow the Sunnah of the last prophet (SAW) is by caring for orphans, a cause particularly loved by him.

Since Sha’ban is the month of the Prophet, it’s the perfect time to help a needy orphan. By donating to our orphan fund, you can be among the people beloved to Allah’s Messenger.
4. The Quran verse commanding Salawat was revealed
During Sha’ban, Muslims were also commanded to send Salawat upon the Prophet (saw), as this is the month of the Prophet (saw). Take advantage of this month, by creating every opportunity to draw closer to Him. The Prophet (saw) said, ‘The person closest to me on the Day of Judgement is the one who sent the most Blessings [Salawat] upon me’. (Tirmidhi).
The best etiquette for making Dua is to begin by praising Allah and then sending Salawat upon the Prophet (saw).
5. Splitting of the moon
Anas bin Malik (ra) narrated, ’The people of Makkah asked Allah’s Messenger (saw) to show them a miracle. So he showed them the moon split into two halves between which they saw the Hira’ mountain [the Mountain of Light]’. (Bukhari)
This incredible miracle took place in Sha’ban, and it is referred to in the Qur’an: ’The Hour has come near, and the moon has split [in two]’. (Qur’an, 54:1)
6. Preparing for Ramadan
This blessed month is the best time to start fasting, offering supplications, and reading Quran. These actions will help to establish good routines of worship before the holy month of Ramadan begins.
The virtues of Laylatul Barat
The 14th night of Sha’ban is special, often called, Laylatul Barat or Shab e Barat. According to Hadith of the Prophet (SAW), Allah SWT will say:
“is there any person repenting so that I forgive him, and any person seeking provision so that I provide for him, and any person with distress so that I relieve him, and so on until dawn.” (Ibn Majah)
On this virtuous night, we should prepare to pray from dusk till dawn, and fast the next day to earn maximum rewards from Allah (swt)

It is a good practice to read Surah Ya-Sin and make special supplications for good health and protection; to increase our faith and bring us closer to Allah (swt).
When is the 14th night of Sha’ban?
This year the 14th night of Sha’ban falls on March 29th. We’ll be posting again closer to the date with all the tips you’ll need to make the most of this holy night, so remember to check our latest page in a few weeks.
May Allah accept all our efforts during Sha’ban. May He bless us and help us increase our worship, and may He allow us to draw closer to Him and His Messenger (saw) during this time, Inshallah Ameen.