Tips you need to get a head start this Ramadan
During Ramadan, the gates of heaven are open! We have been patiently waiting for 11 slow months, waiting for this time where our sins are forgiven, and deeds multiplied. Alhamdulilah, Allah gave us life to see these days. This Ramadan, You Are Their Hope!
We all want to make the most of every single minute, so we’ve got simple tips to help you to hit the ground running:
1. Brush up on your Ramadan knowledge
You can read the khutbah the Prophet (saw) gave the night before Ramadan - it’s the perfect way to get into that Ramadan mindset! This khutbah provides an instructional model for us to follow and practice in our daily lives, especially during Ramadan.
This khutbah gives us hope, that it is a blessing that we are able to see these days and we pray we benefit from them too.
Also, you should include Sunnah recipes in your diet this Ramadan. These healthy recipes will definitely ensure your immune system is strong whilst fasting, especially important with everything that is going around. These recipes can include delicious food such as date, pistachio and coconut breakfast bars, talbeenah and other sunnah foods.
2. Multiply ALL your fasts
Multiply the rewards of ALL your fasts - by sending a Ramadan Food Parcel to a family in need! You can provide them with iftar and suhur for the whole month. You can also provide iftar for one person for the entirety of Ramadan, therefore doubling your rewards!
We only get the chance to provide iftar once a year. And only Allah knows best if we will see Ramadan next year. Whilst we have the opportunity to do good, to provide ease to suffering families across the world, we should not pass it up.
Our good deeds are already multiplied during this blessed month, but by providing iftar you can get even more reward. This is a divine promise.
The Prophet (saw) said, ‘Whoever feeds a person breaking his fast will earn the same reward as him, without anything being lessened from the reward of the fasting person’. [Tirmidhi]
3. Give your Fidyah from now
If you are unable to fast due to sickness or old age, give your Fidyah tonight. This will help us feed the needy from day one of Ramadan. The sooner you donate, the sooner your donations can reach those in need. Your Fidyah will help save lives.
‘Whoever saves one [life] - it is as if he had the entirety of Mankind’. [The Noble Qur’an, 5:32]
4. Spread the goodness!