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Friday, 07 March 2025

Laylatul Qadr – The Night of Decree

Muslim Hands

With the end of Ramadan comes our last efforts in gaining as many rewards as possible. In the last ten days, there is a special opportunity for those who seek it: Laylatul Qadr. This article covers all you need to know about this blessed night insha’Allah.

What is Laylatul Qadr? 

Laylatul Qadr, The Night of Power or The Night of Decree, is the night that Allah SWT gifted mankind with the miracle of divine guidance and revealed the first verses of the Holy Quran to Prophet Muhammad (saw). It is also believed to be the night when Allah SWT decides the destiny of all of mankind.

When is Laylatul Qadr? 

The specific night on which Laylatul Qadr occurs is unknown, however, the Prophet (saw) advised us to “search for Laylatul-Qadr in the odd nights of the last ten nights of Ramadan.” There are a variety of opinions as to which day it falls on but, to be on the safe side, we should commit to performing extra acts of worship on all ten nights. By doing so we will not only gain more reward but we’ll not risk missing this blessed night.

What does the Qur’an say about Laylatul Qadr?

One thousand months is equivalent to 83 years, which is longer than an average lifetime. So, it is paramount that we engage in plentiful Ibadah and do good to reap the bounty, mercy, and pleasure of Allah SWT.

What are the signs of Laylatul Qadr?

Ibn Abbas (ra) reported: The Prophet (saws) said regarding the Night of Decree, “It is a calm night, neither hot nor cold, and the sun arises on it red and feeble.” [Ibn Khuzaymah]

It is said that since the angels descend on this night and we may feel a peculiar tranquility and peace of mind and be overwhelmed with a unique tenderness of heart.

What are the rewards of Laylatul Qadr? 

Abu Hurayrah (ra) relates that the Prophet (saw) said: “Whoever stands in (the voluntary night prayer of) Ramadan out of faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven. And whoever spends the night of Laylatul Qadr in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.” (Nasai)

Any action done on this night such as reciting the Quran and remembering Allah SWT, is better on this night than doing these same actions for a thousand months.

What should I do on Laylatul Qadr? 

It is important for us to make the most of Laylatul Qadr by increasing in our acts of worship and good deeds. Here are the ways you can make the most of Laylatul Qadr:

1. I’tikaf

It was a practice of the Prophet (saw) and the companions to isolate themselves in the Majid for the last ten days and nights of Ramadan so they can focus on worshiping Allah SWT with no distractions.

During I’tikaf you can perform extra Salah, Dhikr, recite and reflect on the Holy Quran and make abundant Dua for yourself and loved ones.

It is ideal for you to spend the last 10 nights of Ramadan in I’tikaf. However, if you are unable to due to work or family commitments, you can perform a shorter I’tikaf of between one to three days. I’tikaf of 3 days starts from 27th night of Ramadan.

2. Attend Tarawih Prayers

Attend Tarawih prayers with your family and friends at the local Masjid. The minimum numbers of raka'ats are 2 but it is advisable to perform 8-20 raka'ats in pairs followed by one raka'at Witr.

Abdullah ibn Umar (ra) narrates the the Prophet (saw) said: "Prayers at night are to be offered two by two (two rak'at at a time). If any of you fears that the time of dawn is approaching, then let him pray one rak'ah as Witr." [Bukhari]

3. Repent Sincerely to Allah

Laylatul Qadr is an opportunity for us to gain Allah's SWT infinite mercy and forgiveness and get our sins wiped away. So, we must take this chance to ask Allah SWT to pardon us.

Aisha (ra), may Allah be pleased with her, said: I asked the Messenger of Allah: 'O Messenger of Allah, if I know what night the night of Qadr is, what should I do during it?'

The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "The best dua for this night is":

اَللَّهُمَّ اِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ ، تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي

Allahumma innaka ’afuwwun, tuhibbul-’afwa, fa’fu ’anni

(O Allah, You are most forgiving, and You love forgiveness; so forgive me)

4. Give Charity

The reward for any righteous act performed during this night is equivalent to that of having performed the same act for over 83 years! So, it is the perfect time to give your Sadaqah and Zakat on Laylatul Qadr.

Try and give your Sadaqah and Zakat donations across the last ten nights of Ramadan, so you will be sure to catch Laylatul Qadr insha Allah. You can split your donations evenly across all nights or however you wish across several causes to help the poor and needy.

5. Make Abundant Dua

Laylatul Qadr is an auspicious night and is believed to be one of the times Dua is accepted. One of the best times to make dua is during the last third of the night:

Abu Huraira (ra) narrated that the Prophet (saw) said: “When the last one-third of the night remains, our Lord, the Glorious One descends towards the heaven of the earth and proclaims: Who is that who supplicates for Me, and I grant his supplication? Who is that who begs Me for anything, and I grant it to him? And who is that who seeks My forgiveness, and I forgive him?” [Bukhari].

To make the most of Laylatul Qadr, prepare a list of Dua’s you want to make for yourself and for your loved ones. This list can include Dua’s for seeking forgiveness, good health, guidance, protection from calamities, and prosperity in life for yourself and for your loved ones.

6. Connect with the Quran

Laylatul Qadr is when Allah SWT gifted mankind the Holy Quran. The first verses to be revealed were from the first five verses from Surah Al-Alaq:

“Read, O Prophet, in the Name of your Lord Who created- created humans from a clinging clot. Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous, Who taught by the pen- taught humanity what they knew not.” [96:1 -5]

This is one of the few surahs in the Quran that begins with a command, and the command is to read. This highlights the importance of knowledge and learning in Islam. Therefore, it is only fitting that we embrace this great Islamic teaching on Laylatul Qadr, the night of revelation, by studying, reciting, and reflecting on the Holy Quran.

SubhanAllah! There are such immense rewards to be gained in these blessed 10 nights. Allah SWT has hidden knowledge of the exact night out of mercy for us. This enables us to increase in our worship in search of this honourable night by praying, making Dhikr and Dua’ and in turn having our sins forgiven and gain many rewards.

Muslim Hands ZA

Established in 1996, Muslim Hands SA NPC is an aid agency and NGO aiming to help those affected by natural disasters, conflict and poverty. It is a branch of Muslim Hands UK established in 1993 in Nottingham.