Why Give to Orphans?
"Blessed is the wealth of the Muslim, from which he gives to the poor,the orphan and the wayfarer." (Muslim)
What do your children mean to you? And how would you feel if you couldn’t be there to love, guide and protect them?
The loss of a parent is devastating for any child but for a child from a disadvantaged background, it means fighting to survive. Many orphans in developing countries face struggles brought on by war, disaster, drought and disease.
In these situations, access to an education, shelter and nutrition are limited, and the chances of a secure future are slim. This is why the responsibility of care for the orphan falls on all of us.
Who could be more deserving of our help than the child who has no one?
Your Donation
Your donation provides orphans with:
Daniyal’s Story: Hope for the Future
When Daniyal’s father died from a terminal illness, his family was left without a breadwinner, and his mother was forced to raise her two children without any support.
The little money she makes from cleaning and sewing is barely enough to keep her children in the 1 bedroom flat they shared, let alone enough to send Daniyal and his sister to school.
Thanks to a generous donation, Daniyal and Iman were able to enroll at the Muslim Hands School of Excellence in Gujurkhan.
His mother, who was once fearful for her children’s future, now expresses only one hope:
‘I hope that one day my child will grow up confident because of his education, and that he will be equal to children everywhere. I hope that he grows up to be smart and successful so that he can help his family.’
A sound education is the key to a brighter future that can unlock endless opportunities for kids like Daniyal, breaking the cycle of poverty and enabling communities to uplift themselves.
Our Work in Pictures
With over 20 years of experience in caring for orphans, our sponsorship programmes cover all aspects of a child's wellbeing.
This includes access to education, the provision of nutritious meals and healthcare and emotional support.

Giving to the Orphan Fund means you will be supporting our holistic approach to orphan care.
News and Updates
Established in 1996, Muslim Hands SA NPC is an aid agency and NGO aiming to help those affected by natural disasters, conflict and poverty. It is a branch of Muslim Hands UK established in 1993 in Nottingham.