Saving Rohingya Refugees

Following devastating violence in Rakhine State (Myanmar) over the last two weeks, physically and emotionally exhausted Rohingya refugees have been fleeing to neighbouring Bangladesh in search of safety as their villages, homes and livelihoods have been left completely destroyed.
Since 25th August, over 370,000 Rohingya men, women and children have walked for days to reach Bangladesh, passing through hills and across rivers in search of security. Now, with an estimated 15,000 people crossing the Naf River into Bangladesh every day, over a half million people are expected to arrive in total, having gone without food for days at a time and with the only the clothes on their backs to their name.
Inside Bangladesh, families have taken shelter in open spaces close to the border, living in overcrowded camps and makeshift plastic tents. With no access to food, clean water and clothing, families are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. A huge number of refugees are wounded, with many suffering from diarrhoea and skin disease and many of the new arrivals consist of elderly family members, women and unaccompanied children who have been left not just physically injured but also severely traumatised by the violence in Myanmar. Health facilities are now struggling to deal with the overwhelming demand for care as resources remain limited and in high demand.
Muslim Hands is among one of the first aid organisation to respond to the crisis on the ground. Based in Cox’s Bazar, we’re working to address the immediate needs of these families. Over the next few days, we’ll be providing essential emergency aid to around 12,000 refugee families supplying food, water, temporary shelter (tents), hygiene kits, children’s clothing and public latrines. Alhamdulillah just today, the Bangladeshi government announced it would provide an area of 2,000 acres for a new camp in Cox's Bazar district to help these desperate families in need of shelter. Over the coming weeks, we'll be working continuously to ensure that families are given the shelter they so urgently need.
Thank you for all of your generous donations so far. Your support continues to make our work possible.
Please continue to support Rohingya refugees in crisis by donating to our appeal and please keep these desperate families in your du’a. They urgently need our help. Jazakum Allahu khairan.
*Statistics: UNHRC, UNICEF (2017)