Thursday, 05 October 2017
Orphan Fun Day

On Wednesday 4 October 2017, Muslim Hands SA treated 50 children from 3 different orphanages and safe houses in Cape Town, to a fun filled day out at Blue Train Fun Park in Sea Point, Cape Town.
The day was spent doing many activities, sports and games. Our Muslim Hands team and our loyal volunteers served the children with lunch, fruits and party packs which included sweets and toys and their very own Muslim Hands t-shirt.

The kids had their pick of soccer, netball, slides, ziplining, train rides and various swings and jungle gyms to play on. Happiness and fun were the themes of the day as laughter and screams of joy could be heard throughout the park.
While many of the children were orphans, many of them came from previously abusive households and are now fostered.The children grew up in poverty and are not accustomed to the small luxuries most of us take for granted every day. As we served them KFC for lunch, their excitement at getting a take out for lunch was clear to see.

All in all, it was a fantastic day for the recipient children and our volunteers. The kids had an amazing day out that they won’t forget in a hurry.
It was a cost-effective project that left a smile on all of our faces. Muslim Hands plans to have an Orphan Fun Day annually from now on, In-Sha-Allah.