
News and Updates
Thursday, 11 November 2021

The Bread Run Feeds 62,160 Poor People

Aisha Adam

SubhanAllah, your generosity is doing wonders here in South Africa! Through The Bread Runyou have fed over 62,160 poor and needy people in the Western Cape in 2021 alone.

How does the Bread Run work?

Brother Yaseen Gamiet (Programmes staff member) distributes fresh bread to the poor

Every week on a Monday and Friday, our Programmes team set out to deliver your bread donations to families living in informal settlements across the Western Cape. Our teams conduct a needs assessment weekly to evaluate which communities are in greatest need and have the most vulnerable families living there. 

Bread distribution at an informal settlement

Our teams travel far and wide to locate the most vulnerable communities, and some of the areas that have benefitted from the Bread Run include Hermanus, Phillipi, Kalkfontein, Mitchell's Plain, Hanover Park, and Khayelitsha, amongst many more.

The majority of the beneficiaries of the Bread Run include orphans, widows, unemployed individuals, the elderly, and the disabled who are living in extremely poor conditions.

A child at the Bread Run enjoying his meal

Alhamdulilah, through your donations, hundreds of loaves of fresh bread alongside lentils, soup, and noodle packs are distributed weekly in these communities, ensuring the poor do not go to sleep hungry on an empty stomach.

Here are some facts you should know about the South African hunger crisis:

  1. Over half of the South African population are living below the poverty line
  2. 2.5 million South Africans experience hunger EVERY DAY!
  3. 6.5 million South Africans are suffering from food insecurity
  4. 1 in 7 South Africans suffer from child hunger
  5. 27% of children in South Africa have stunted growth 

Donate to our Bread Run, Food Fund and The Open Kitchen to provide food to our poor brothers and sisters locally.

Muslim Hands ZA

Established in 1996, Muslim Hands SA NPC is an aid agency and NGO aiming to help those affected by natural disasters, conflict and poverty. It is a branch of Muslim Hands UK established in 1993 in Nottingham.