The Well-Construction process
Zirabakoro is a small village located in the outskirts of Mali. Prior to the Muslim Hands intervention, the people of this village would rely on a Dig-a-Well that could only be used for four months every year (during the rainy season), as it dried up in the summer. To the dismay of the villagers, there was no other water source nearby and they would have to resort to buying water for their families in the months when the well would dry up.
Seriba Sinayoko, the 75-year-old chief of the village tells us that most of the villagers earn less than R30 a day, and buying water had only made survival difficult for these families as it would take up half of their income.

A few months ago, Muslim Hands staff members were hard at work building a borehole in a nearby village, and the people of Zirabakoro heard about it. The villagers were in absolute awe hearing about this and called our office to apply for their own borehole. To the excitement of the villagers, their request was granted and the Muslim Hands team traveled to Zirabakoro to build the community water well!
"The boring process was a spectacle to see. Everyone gathered in safe distance waiting for the first splash of water. It took around half an hour until a muddy lake started to cover the dry ground. The children were absolutely in awe and instantly started playing in it by using their sandals and small boats." Caroline - Muslim Hands staff member.

The whole boring process took, 70 - 100m deep can be completed in a day, after which it takes around two more weeks to install the different water points and solar panels. Certain donors prefer to install a generator with their community well to enable the villagers to use their borehole at night time also.
The impact of your well
The borehole installed in Zirabakoro is benefitting 10,000 people and around 1500 families. Seriba Sinayoko (village chief) now hopes that through the borehole, the village can irrigate their own crops and families can generate a higher income. Extremely overjoyed, he told our staff members that the borehole has given the village an abundance of clean water, to the extent that they can share with neighbouring communities.

Through the generosity of a donor, women and children of Zirabakoro no longer have to journey long distances carrying heavy buckets to collect water for their families at a price. The borehole has enabled the children to attend school, families to earn a livelihood and improved the overall health of the entire village.
On behalf of the whole community, Seriba Sinayoko thanked Muslim Hands staff members wholeheartedly. The entire village also raised their hand in Dua, praying for good fortune, health and prosperity for the donor that provided them with clean drinkable water at their doorsteps for years to come!

The Prophet (saw) said, "The best charity is giving water to drink" [Bukhari]
You too can give the BEST Sadaqah Jariyah by donating a water well in your loved one's name that will provide clean drinkable water and help empower communities for years.