Ramadan Food Parcel Distribution

In South Africa, reports have shown that more than a half a million households with children aged five years or younger experienced hunger in 2017. 27% of South African children will not grow into their full potential due to lack of nourishment and the irreversible physical and cognitive damage caused by their poor living conditions.
This Ramadan, Muslim Hands SA has chosen to focus their efforts on communities in Mossel Bay, George, New Brighton, Kwanobuhle, Parkside, Mariannhill, Kwandengezi, Uitenhage & Cape Town. But why here?
Beneficiaries were selected by local mosques and leaders in the various regions. All beneficiaries come from impoverished living conditions, with parcels being distributed across all genders, races, nationalities and ethnic groups.
Food security is an issue faced by millions across the globe. In South Africa alone, 6.5 million people face food insecurity due to an unemployment rate of 39.4%, with this number only set to rise as prices are inflated and work becomes even more scarce.
The objective of the Ramadan Food Parcel Distribution project is to provide vulnerable and impoverished communities with nutritional food to last them throughout the month of Ramadan. Food has been distributed according to the needs of our beneficiaries as determined by them, ensuring that these communities are able to satisfy and meet their nutritional needs and requirements.
The Ramadan Food Parcel Distribution Project also opened Muslims Hands SA up to new opportunities to expand their reach and help even more people within communities we had never even been to. While providing aid, Muslim Hands SA was able to demonstrate itself as an organisation that cares for all irrespective of location, race, ethnicity or other differences. We are a humanitarian organisation, meaning we help humans, not specific groups.
Through our efforts, we have been able to hand out 650 grocery parcels across three provinces and nine locations. Each parcel was packed with two reusable bags to ensure onlookers could not see what beneficiaries were receiving, protecting their dignity and also protecting their parcels from theft. Parcels could be found being distributed from mosques by local imams and other respected community leaders.
Each parcel consisted of:
- Chilli bite (250g)
- Cooking oil (2L)
- Flour (2,5kg)
- Baked beans (410g)
- Tea bags (100)
- Sugar (2,5kg)
- Jam (900g)
- Milk (2L)
- Salt (1kg)
- Pilchards (800g)
- Soup mix (500g)
- Rice (5kg)
- Macaroni (500g)
- Dates (250g)
- Water (5L)
- Jungle oats (1kg)
- Peanut butter (400g)
We would like to thank all our donors who have contributed to our Ramadan Food Parcel Distribution Project, as well as our other projects such as the relief efforts in Yemen, Turkey and Palestine. With your help, we were able to provide much-needed humanitarian assistance to our brothers and sisters struggling the world over. Together, we can create a brighter future not only in South Africa, but also in other countries that need our help. May Allah (SWT) accept all the good that you do.