The Impact Of Your Sadaqah

This past year nearly half of our donations went towards our clean water campaigns for Mali, Niger, Sudan and Pakistan. With your support we will be able to give nearly 7,000 people access to clean water by way of installing wells.
Whether it was our tube wells installed at the household level, or community wells installed at the center of a village, your generosity was, and continues to be, a lifeline for thousands.

When you choose to build a well with Muslim Hands, we’ll send you a feedback report (by post) so you can see firsthand the far-reaching impact of your Sadaqah.
Our feedback reports tell you exactly where your well is located, and who stands to benefit from your donation.

You’ll also get a chance to see the plaque bearing your donor ID and name, installed near the well.
This is just one of the ways we ensure donors that the funds they give us are being put to good use! With donor feedback reports you can rest assured that your Zakat and Sadaqah will always go where it's needed, serving communities and changing lives.